Robert Gallardo grew up in southern California where he fell in love with Nature at a very early age while on family camping trips. He started collecting butterflies when he was 11. After moving to northern California he attended Shasta Community College then attended Humboldt State University. It was there that his curiosity for birds was awoken after purchasing a Meade spotting scope and wandered the trails at the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary.
After obtaining a degree in Natural Resource Planning and Interpretation in 1992 he joined Peace Corps and in early 1993 was sent to Honduras. It was then that his passion for tropical natural history took off. He worked in the Dept. of Olancho at Sierra de Agalta N.P. where, amongst other projects, he did the areas' first butterfly inventory. His interest for birds also continued to grow and was able to add species to the areas' growing list.
He extended for a third year and transferred to the village of Raista along the north coast of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve. He and his counterparts in an amazing 15 months established the country's first butterfly farm. On days off he made forays into the lush rainforest where he collected butterflies and bird watched; adding new species of both to the Reserve's list.
Since 2000 he has led high quality tours for numerous companies, Audubon chapters, and private groups as well as bird photographers. His commitment to conservation stands out above all other operators and guides in Honduras through his personal investment in ongoing field investigations, leading a national conservation foundation, conducting formal bird guide training courses, and working with communities and institutions to improve the lives of people and birds throughout the country.